
Some Water-i.d.® Mini Kits are based on the tablet counting method, in which tablets are added to the water until the colour changes in a defined way. The amount of tablets added is entered into a formula to determine the measured value. The innovative Water-i.d.® tablet push-through blisters simplify the procedure. In the turbidity method, the water sample becomes turbid after the reagent is added. The intensity of the turbidity determines the value. In the yes/no test method, a distinction is made between 2 different colours. Depending on which colour develops, the parameter is present in the sample or not. Both the titration and turbidity methods and the yes/no test are simple and proven measuring methods for determining water values.


Kit to determine the Alkalinity-M value by the tablet count method.

Kit to determine the Alkalinity-P value by the tablet count method.

Kit to determine the Alkalinity-P value (BaCl2) by the tablet count method.

Kit to determine the Calcium Hardness value by the tablet count method.

Kit to determine the Total Hardness HR value by the tablet count method.

Kit to determine the Total Hardness LR value by the tablet count method.

Kit to determine the Total Hardness value by the Yes/No method.

Kit to determine the Chloride value by the tablet count method.

Kit to determine the Cyanuric Acid value by the opacity method.

Kit to determine the Nitrite value by the tablet count method.

Kit to determine the Sulphite (LR) value by the tablet count method.

Kit to determine the Sulphite (HR) value by the tablet count method.

Kit to determine the Cleaning Acid Strength (CAS) concentration

Kit to determine the Permanganate Value as well as Sewage/Effluent BOD/COD/TOC. Includes 3 x 100 shaker-/dilution tube!

Kit to determine the Phosphonate value by drop titration method.

Kit to determine Turbidity and Suspended Solids

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  • Water-i.d. GmbH

    Daimlerstraße 20

    D-76344 Eggenstein


  • 49.(0) 721 - 782029-0
