Mini-Tester for the measurement of pH- and Chlorine or pH- and Bromine values. Each 6 scale values

Pooltesters are mainly used in the wellness sector and, even if the name doesn’t hint at it, they are also used for the analysis of drinking and industrial waters. In many countries, for example, drinking and industrial waters must be disinfected with chlorine which requires that they be subjected to consistent controls. hotels worldwide already use the Water-i.d.® Pooltester for guest swimming pools, and also to determine the quality of their drinking and general waters. Water-i.d.® Pooltesters are even used by well-known international aid organizations to also control drinking water plants in crisis regions. Here too, people rely on Water-i.d.®’s quality standards.

Various test procedures
For the Mini-testers various test procedures are available: Choose between manual test procedures, Turbidity or Tablet Count Method or the so-called Speed test.
Intuitive application
Whether professional or layman: with the Mini-tester everyone achieves error-free and reliable results.
Long durability
The reagents used in the Mini-tester have a shelf life of 5 years. And best of all - they are not subject to any transport restrictions.
Directly usable
In addition to the test kit in a sturdy plastic box, the delivery content also includes a measuring beaker, the necessary accessories and tablet reagents for approx. 30 tests.
Parameter Measuring Range
pH-Value 6.8 - 8
Chlorine (free) (Cl2 mg/l) 0.5 - 5
Chlorine (total) (Cl2 mg/l) 0.5 - 5
Chlorine (combined) (Cl2 mg/l) 0.5 - 5
Bromine (Br mg/l) 1.1 - 11
Product Nr Type Parameter
TbsRpH Phenol Red pH-Value
TbsRD1 DPD N° 1 Chlorine (free) (Cl2 mg/l)
TbsRD1 DPD N° 1 Bromine (Br mg/l)
Product Nr Reagents Type Parameter Packaging Unit
TbsRD1pH60 TbsRpH Phenol Red pH-Value 30
TbsRD1pH60 TbsRD1 DPD N° 1 Chlorine (free) (Cl2 mg/l) 15
Bromine (Br mg/l) 15
Title Download
Material Safety Data Sheet - TbsRpH Download
Material Safety Data Sheet - TbsRD1 Download
Title Format Language Download
PT100 - PTM100 - PT500 Manual Download

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  • Water-i.d. GmbH

    Daimlerstraße 20

    D-76344 Eggenstein


  • 49.(0) 721 - 782029-0
